Ms Shan Singh is a Couples Therapist, Relationship Counsellor, Parent Consultant and Certified Emotion Coach. She is married and a parent to two adult children. She is passionate about her work and is dedicated to sharing her experience and knowledge with parents and couples - married or not, to bring meaningful changes in their lives. Her USP is that she uses research-based techniques, scientific knowledge, and tested and proven tools in her work and is constantly upgrading her knowledge and skills. She takes a collaborative and solution-intensive approach in her guidance and counselling that helps people of all ages and backgrounds build a happy and progressive life filled with love.
Shan is one of the most sought-after consultants for marriage, relationships, parenting, and family counselling.
She is the Founder and Director of Clinic HashtagHealth and is trained in the world's most trusted and research-based foundation for couple ...
Shan says that many of us need therapy, but only a few go for it, and they are often secretive about it. She shares that she has had therapy herself, which did wonders for her. It is a game changer, and it can do wonders for everyone.
We very quickly talk about our physical ailments. We don’t shy away from seeing a doctor even if our leg hurts for more than two days. But we continue to suffer in silence and hide it when our hearts break or our relationships hurt and break. Why can't we boldly seek help, then? WHO states that health is not just physical but mental and emotional.
"We have tried talking, reasoning, explaining and even bribing, yet they do not listen to us."
“We knew parenting was not easy, but no one told us it is this difficult.”
“We love them, care for them and want the best for them. Then why don't they understand this?”
“Parenting is so overwhelming, and I feel so hopeless and powerless. Who said it was fun?”
"All that yelling and defiance and temper tantrums. “ I feel so powerless and heartbroken.”
"I feel like a fool, absolutely clueless about how to deal with my child.”
"I know we shouldn't yell or spank a child, but I never expected to get triggered like this.”
It will solely depend on the issues the person is facing, but it's better to take a comprehensive package, as therapy takes time to yield positive, long-lasting results.
Ms Shan Singh offers both online and offline consultations. Online consultations include video calls and telephonic consultations.
She provides a range of services for people from all backgrounds and ages. She is an expert in couples counselling, marriage counselling, Family counselling, pre-marital counselling, and parenting consultant.
Sessions with Ms Shan Singh are private and confidential.
There is no definite rule per se regarding the frequency of therapy sessions. It will depend on the concerns on hand and the availability of both Ms Shan and the patient.